Rowland Hill Nursery School & Children's Centre


We have tried to include all the information you might need below but if you have any questions or need our support, please contact the office team by coming in to Reception or calling 0208 808 6089.

The Nursey School & Children’s Centre has 122 full time equivalent places for children from 9 months to 4 years.

If demand exceeds the number of places available priority is given to the following children:

  • Children with Special Education Needs identified through an EHCP
  • Children who are Looked After by a Local Authority
  • Children who the Local Authority accepts have an exceptional medical or social need for a place at one specific school.
  • Siblings
  • Children living closest to the school.
  • Children wishing to transfer from the 2yr old Provision

In support of our eligibility criteria, please use the Haringey school distance calculator to see how close you are to the nursery.

15 hours of free nursery education are available for eligible 9 months to 2 year olds
15 hours of free nursery education are available for all 3 and 4 year olds
30 hours of free early education are available for eligible 3 and 4 year olds

There are also a range of childcare options for 9 months to 4 year olds including breakfast club/after school club and holiday playscheme.

Please refer to the Types of Places flow chart for details of session times/days/all year round/term time only options.

6 places are reserved for children with identified high need SEND and referred from Haringey Early Support panel.

Every Autumn the Governing Body review the admissions policy. The policy sets out all the considerations, selection and over subscription criteria, types of places and fees. Please click here.

Admissions process

We have admissions to the nursery school each term and a rolling admission process for the 2yr old Provision.

Admission forms are available from the office or download an electronic version

Admission Form

Parent Agreement Form

Filling out the Parent Agreement form, please fill out:

  • Section 1
  • Section 2
  • Section 3 - Part A (Only fill Part B if your child attends another Early Years Setting as well as Rowland Hill)
  • Funding Period - Autumn, Spring and Summer Terms
  • Section 4 

Admission forms must be submitted to the Office and we are required to check your child’s birth certificate and your proof of address (bank statement or utility bill). You will be contacted to confirm availability of the place requested and a start date. All families receive a home visit prior to starting at Rowland Hill this is an essential part of the settling in process and the beginning of your relationship with the key person or teacher.

For 3 and 4 year old children eligible for 30 hours free early education the office will need the HMRC code and are happy to give you advice or help in applying.

For further information regarding 30 hours please click here.

We encourage families that are considering a place at Rowland Hill Nursery School to come and look around! This is a chance to view our exciting and dynamic learning environments both inside and outside, meet a senior member of staff and ask any questions.

Please click here for upcoming tour dates and times.

 Extension of free entitlement

Please see our 6f types of places flow chart.

Combining Childcare Schemes