Governing Body
The Governors of our alliance are made up from our wider community. Governors are selected for the skills and knowledge they can offer the alliance and we endeavour to champion diversity and inclusion within it. Governors can be from our wider community, a parent or staff member or from the local authority. This ensures the governing body has a diversity of views and experiences.
Please click here to letters to families.
Governing-Body (ID 1026)
Welcome to the new Federation HEYSAHaringey Early Years Alliance
Welcome to the new Federation HEYSA
Full Governing BodyMeeting.
Full Governing Body meeting take place about once a term but we tend to have two meetings in the summer term. The Governors help to determine the vision and strategic direction of the alliance ensuring children and staff are safe, while challenging and supporting the schools in making any necessary improvements. Governors delegate the operational running of the school to the Executive Headteacher and the wider leadership team. However they oversee the financial performance of the schools and children’s centres and ensure money is well spent.The governing body main role is to support and challenge the Executive Headteacher and the leadership team to uphold the visions and values of the school and continue to offer outstanding care and education for children and their families.
Minutes of full governing body meetings will be published on the school website each term.
Curriculum and Well Being /Resources Sub Committees
A Curriculum and Well Being and a Resources sub committees meet once a term and feeds back to the Full Governing Body with any matters arising. -
Membership of the Governing Body
Membership of the Governing Body
Membership of the Governing Body
Parent Governors:
Parents and carers are eligible to stand for election as parent governors. They play a vital role on the governing body as they bring to the committee their unique parental viewpoint but do not represent the parents or individual parents.Local Authority Governors:
A Local Authority Governor is a representative of the Local Authority. Local Authority Governors are nominated according to the skills and experience required and are formally appointed by the governing body.Staff Governors
The Head Teacher is a staff governor by virtue of his/her job. Other paid staff, both teaching and support, may become governors through an election. Staff governors bring a unique staff perspective to the governing body. They are not a staff representative but a representative member of staff.Co-Opted Governors
This is an individual from the community who has the skills and experience which the governing body require and are appointed by them.Membership of the Governing Body
Parent Governors:
Parents and carers are eligible to stand for election as parent governors. They play a vital role on the governing body as they bring to the committee their unique parental viewpoint but do not represent the parents or individual parents.Local Authority Governors:
A Local Authority Governor is a representative of the Local Authority. Local Authority Governors are nominated according to the skills and experience required and are formally appointed by the governing body.Staff Governors
The Head Teacher is a staff governor by virtue of his/her job. Other paid staff, both teaching and support, may become governors through an election. Staff governors bring a unique staff perspective to the governing body. They are not a staff representative but a representative member of staff.Co-Opted Governors
This is an individual from the community who has the skills and experience which the governing body require and are appointed by them. -
Contacting Governors
Contacting Governors
Contacting Governors
Governors are always very pleased to hear from families and their local community. If you have any comments or questions about our services please don't hesitate to be in touch. Governors can be contactedthrough the school’s admin offices. Please mark your email for the attention of the chair of the governing body.
If you would like to raise a concern or complaint about an individual school or any part of our alliance the complaints policy can be found on our individual school’s websites.